Recently, OnePlus launched a new mid-range smartphone, the OnePlus Nord CE 4. The OnePlus Nord CE 4 was launched with the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3. The OnePlus 12 was announced globally on January 23. The OnePlus 12 is a high-end smartphone with some exciting features.
Coming to the main point, a couple of days ago, OnePlus released the March security patch update for the OnePlus 12. Now the OnePlus software team has started rolling out a new update, which includes an interesting feature, AIGC Elimination.
AIGC elimination is a very powerful feature that is used to remove unnecessary objects from images. You have to only select the object that you want to remove from the image, and then it will automatically remove that object from the image.
The latest OnePlus 12 update is rolling out with the new software version number CPH2573_14.0.0.608(EX01). The update comes with a download size of 171.68MB. The OnePlus 12 has already received the March security update in all regions. Currently, the update is spotted in India, and it will be rolled out to other regions soon.
What is AIGC elimination and how it works?
AIGC Elimination is an image-editing AI feature. This feature is also available for some high-end devices from Realme, OPPO, and Xiaomi. Other smartphone brands also have the same feature but with other names, like Google Pixel Device, which has this feature under the name Magic Eraser. Samsung also has object-removal features in its high-end devices.
How you can use it, Here are he steps below:
– First, select an image from your gallery.
– Go to the edit option.
– Now tap on the AIGC Elimination option.
– Select the object with the manual or smart selection option.
– After selecting the object, it will automatically remove the unnecessary object from your image.